Saturday, May 22, 2010


I'm Back! I'm alive! I Survived!!

I'm finally finished with finals (maybe they call it finals week because when its over, you say finally!). Since I'm a design student I didn't have any tests.. just projects. I pulled a few all nighters. But I survived. I fought the urge to walk away from projects and craft. So now that's officially summer I can craft any time I want!!

I went to an Estate sale on thursday and found the exact dining set I have been searching for. I wanted a set with a sturdy table and chairs with a padded seat so I could recover it with something cute. The table was $250 ("its worth $1800 doncha kno?") but being the bargain hunter that I am, I talked him down to $135 DELIVERED! The guy could have been a used car salesman.

 The picture was taken before I even cleaned it. Its amazing what a little bit of furniture polish can do. Anyway, I planned on painting it but it was in such good condition that I may just recover the ugly vinyl seats.

 I will definitely post when I recover the chairs. I can't wait! Ive never recovered chairs so let me know if you guys have any tips for me!!

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