
Friday, January 21, 2011

Lace Back Tank

I got this doily from a thrift store for $1. I've had it for a while with the intent of doing this and I've finally got around to it.

You will need:
Lace or crochet doily (you can get these at the dollar tree!)
Tank top (on hand)
Sewing machine

 First: Lay the lace over the back of your tank top.
 Then: pin the lace to the tank top starting at the shoulders (or where ever it fits best) and trim off any odd parts. You can see I trimmed the top and bottom middle and also the sides of the bottom corners.
 Then sew the top by the shoulders and the bottom edges.

Sew everywhere there are red lines

Like this

Then flip the tank inside out and cut out the portion of the tank top where the lace overlaps the tank.

Then you are all done. I LOVE IT! I love mustard yellow and I love lace.

Total cost: $1

I'm linking up!! So check out my Link page and support all the lovely hostesses!


  1. This is really cute! Great job!


  2. What a lovely blend of modern and vintage. I wish I looked that good in a tank top!

  3. Such cute idea! Love how it turned out! :]

  4. Chris:

    You could also do the same thing but do it to the hip area of a regular T. or the back... Use half of a circle doily

  5. Oh Ali I love this!! This is very Anthropology and is immediately going on my do to list.

    Thanks for visiting my blog!!

  6. Holy cow, that's the cutes thing EVER. And it looks so easy to make! Thanks!

  7. Awesome! This has been on my to-do list, too!

  8. That looks amazing! Thanks so much for linking it up!

  9. Very very cute!

    Thanks for linking up!

  10. That is so clever! What a cute way to add a little finish to an otherwise blah tank top! Darling. Thanks for sharing with air your Laundry Friday!


  11. Hi Ali,

    I think this is a great project our readers would love to make. I linked to you, which you can see here:

    If you have any questions or would like to see more of your projects on the site, please feel free to contact me.



  12. My daughter loves the tight tanks and adding some lace makes it a little more girly. Thanks so much for the great idea!


  13. My daughter-in-law will LOVE this! Thanks!

  14. Love it! I am running right out the $1 store! I'm going to make one in every color tank I own! Thanks!

  15. Ali:
    I thought everyone had "love handles"! I don't see yours ----- where are they? :)

  16. Wow, that's so pretty and easy as well.

  17. Good reminder. Thank you. Now I exactly know what I'm gonna do with one of my tops

  18. Love it! Something different on how to refashion a simple tank tops. Thank you!

  19. So cute!! Think I'll add a light liner to it though, as I don't want my bra band to show through! LOL.

  20. I've had bridal appliques for years that I've been wanting to do this with, but on the front of the tank. Stark white is beautiful against any color tank.

  21. I found some pieces of adorable lace/crochet/doily type stuff for $1 a piece at the fabric mart in downtown LA. I'm going to try this on some plain pieces of clothing I have. Thanks for the cute tutorial!

  22. Thanks for sharing this with us! Some really amazing features. This is excellent information. It is amazing and wonderful to visit your site. It really gives me an insight on this topic.

  23. That is really such a unique idea, I will try it for sure. I have a few doilies in the house, and I certainly have plenty of tank tops in my wardrobe that would be perfect for this. I don’t have a sewing machine but a friend of mine has, so will have to ask her help.

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    فلا تحتاج إلى نجار وتكلفة زائدة كما أنها تقوم بتركيبه أيضا،

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  26. This design element adds a touch of femininity and elegance to the otherwise casual tank top,
    6700k Vs 6800k making it suitable for both casual and semi-formal occasions.


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