
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Herbal SunTea

I saw these sun tea recipes on Design*Sponge. Katie Jo posted the link on her new blog, If I Weren't So Lazy... (you should all go check her out and follow her).

I thought not only did they sound really yummy but looked cute too. I made: Basil-fennel, cranberry-orange, Ginger-lime and Thyme-orange. I used little tags and twine to label each one. I can't wait to see what they taste like!


  1. Cute blog! New follower here. Thanks for stopping by Adventures In Creating!

  2. Oh, I just love basil!!! Recently I bought some plants, so maybe I'll follow your lead on this one.

  3. You are the cutest, Ali! How did they taste? Still waiting for the damn sun to come out in SF to try these out.

  4. I just came across your blog and l♥ve it! And am looking forward to trying some new things out!


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