
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

A chair I "Found in the Ali"

So let me set the scene for you:
I'm driving down the street after doing laundry visiting at my parents house. Then there.. I see it.. A cute little chair. Sad. On the side of the road. Calling out for a paint job. No, I don't need that... I have no place to put it. Should I? Shouldn't I?

Continuing the drive home my mind is still racing. I could paint it... I could stencil it. But really where would I put it? I could paint it GREEN! I have green spray paint already! I could put it on the porch! With some plants! Oh my god I have to turn around and get it!

By this time I am about two miles past it. *SCREEECH* I flipped around and raced back to get the orphan chair. I picked it up and the legs fall off. I giggled to myself and threw them all in the car.

I Get home and get to work. First I glued all the pieces back together, A quick (lazy) sanding job and I'm ready to go. I get to work and spray paint two coats of paint allowing them to dry in between. Then, I placed on my porch with a plant and it is super cute. I plan to find some old books to stack instead of the magazines. What do u think?

Mandy's Yellow Corner


  1. love it! And love the green! I wish I was more adventurous with colour. It is always black and white! I picked up stuff off the street today too! hahahahahah. I will be posting about it soon so check it out!

  2. Only you would find something that cool on the side of the road. I am so glad you turned around! Looks great!

  3. That chair turned out to cute! I featured you:

  4. Just had to stop by and say that I love your blog!!! Having sooo much fun reading your posts! :)

  5. Aw! What a cute little chair! And I LOVE the color that you chose! Thanks for linking up to Love Me 2 Times! :]

  6. I'd love to feature this on Love Me 2 Times this Tuesday! Is that ok with you?


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