
Thursday, June 17, 2010

I'm Loved!! My First Award.

I was delighted to check my blog today and not only did I get a new comment, (I REALLY love comments...*hint*hint*) but I got an award! Beth Anne over at "The Thrifty BA" gave me the "Versatile Blogger Award"!

I must say, I am Dork-ishly excited :P I am also very honored that she loves my blog, since I love her blog. You should all check it out. I would give it back to her if I could :)

the guidelines for accepting this award are...

-Thank the person/people who gave it to you (check)
-Tell 7 things yourself.
-Pass the award on to 15 10 bloggers,
whom you have recently discovered,
and think are fantastic.(I'm going to do that bad?)

Stuff you didn't know about me:
1. I'm 21 and there are many nights where I would rather craft than go out to a bar. (L on the forehead)... actually this is something you probably DID know.
2. I hate spoons and use a fork to eat everything (yes, soup and ice cream too)
3. I love playing games of any kind and I always have to convince people to play with me.
4. I eat raw pasta...and enjoy it.
5. I dance and sing REALLY loud in the car. And no, I don't care what you think
6. I love lemon in and on everything. Ice tea, chicken, sause, martini, fish, heck Ill just eat them plain. But I hate lemonade.
7. I am a huge goof ball. I dance in public, make stupid noises and I think I'm super funny....... oh man.. I just realized.... I am my father. EEk! Alright, fine. I guess I'm ok with that. My dad is pretty awesome. Since I just scanned this one in here is a picture of me and my dad when I was 5 (I think?)

And Now for the 10 Blogs that I love! 
They may not know that I love them. I could be stalking following them and they don't even know. :P

  1. A Girl and a Gluegun 
  2. Ashley's Thrifty Living 
  3. It's Merely Authentic 
  4. Made By Nicole 
  5. Sean and Nicole
  6. Simpsonized Crafts
  7. Stepping Thru Crazy
  8. A Doctor in the House
  9. Crap I've Made
  10. Creating Balance


  1. Thank you so much Ali! I love your blog too and also follow you! Congrats on the award!!

  2. i am also a sppon hater! ah-that is why i love your blog!

  3. Thank you Ali for offering me The Versatile Blogger award, and for being the FIRST comment on my new craft blog. I hope you'll continue to follow my crafting endeavors.

    Congratulations to you for also receiving the award... it's well deserved. Now, go make another headband and inspire me! :)

  4. Awwww thanks for the award! :) I feel so loved right now :)


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