
Monday, May 10, 2010

New Layout

Ive been messing with my background and fancy-ness. So don't be alarmed (I'm sure u were all in a panic). I'll probably change it again. I need a header! Anyone know any good places to get one? Or a whole theme? I like easy :) Ive just spent an hour playing with my blog instead of doing homework.  Woops! Time got away from me. My homework is to design a Candy Store. I'm taking name suggestions. I'm so bad with naming things. I'll end up calling it something lame like "Dandy Candy!" We can't have that. No one would ever buy anything :P

There's my procrastination rambling for the day. Back to homework before work at 5:00pm. *sigh*

1 comment:

  1. I keep changing layouts, I can't find one that I really like... and I still don't know where to make a cool header. If I find a place I'll let you know :) I'm bad at naming stuff, too... I'd call the candy store Sweetness, because I can't think of anything else!


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